Firewood Acupuncture

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Stomach Channel:

This channel begins at the lateral side of our nose just below our eye and traverses straight down the midline of our bodies, to the front of our lateral legs, all the way to our outer second toe.

Location: Below the kneecap, 4 fingerbreadths distance to the crest of the tibia (shin bone) on the lateral side of the leg.


  1. Harmonizes the Stomach

  2. Strengthens the Spleen and digestion and resolves Damp (congestion of fluids) in the body

  3. Supports our original Qi (chee) (our essence!)

  4. Tonifies and nourishes Qi and Blood

  5. Calms the spirit by clearing Fire (inflammation) from the body

  6. Activates the channel and alleviates pain

  7. Revives our Yang (energy) and restores consciousness


—> Pain the stomach with vomit, hiccup, belching, and distention

—> Lack of hunger or poor appetite

—> Diarrhea, flatulence, or Cold that has infiltrated your center causing discomfort and heaviness

—> Dizziness, tinnitus (ear ringing), or heart palpitations

—> Depression categorized with mania, anger, sadness, outrage and agitation in the head and heart

—> Painful throat obstruction with inability to speak (clogged Throat Chakra)

—> Chills and fever with headache and chest pain

—> Breast swelling or abscesses as well as knee or shin pain


Find the point on your body and massage in a clockwise direction for 10-15 seconds. Take a big deep breath. Then massage in a counterclockwise direction for 10-15 seconds. Repeat these steps for 5-10 minutes, or until you begin to feel better.

{All images expertly created by Moon River Clinic}