Acupuncture is for everyone.
Simply put, acupuncture, through the administering of sterilized, stainless steel needles, improves and balances the flow of “Qi” (chee), our life force in our bodies, increasing its self-healing ability; but, to take it a step further...Qi flows through specific meridians or channels in our bodies. These channels are associated with each one of our organs and, through each of its pathways, will connect with that specific organ. Any blockage (think of a traffic jam) that manifests along those channels will, over time, affect that specific organ, causing pain, weakness, or deficiency. Acupuncture aims to correct the flow of that stuck Qi so your channels are clear for the smooth flow of energy, restoring balance to your body.
Acupuncture is incredibly safe. It’s all natural. It’s drug-free. It’s the original preventative medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back over 3,000 years ago and is now practiced globally. Its efficacy has been proven in thousands of studies ranging from pain relief to reversing infertility and beyond.
See some common questions answered below and head over to the FAQs page to learn even more.
Please fill out your paperwork.
In your confirmation email, you’ll see a link to manage your forms. Please take the time to fill out the intake and sign all of the consent forms. This allows me to read through your intake prior to your arrival and it saves time, so that you get the most time on the table, resting, as possible.
DO NOT brush your tongue in the morning.
Only if you remember! Tongue diagnosis is an effective tool and it’s helpful when we can get a clear, untouched picture of it.
Eat a little something.
Acupuncture needles powerfully move your Qi (your energy, your life-force!), so having a little something in your stomach will help you relax during your session.
Please be on time.
Be sure to account for a little extra recovery time, too. It’s common to feel a little “acu-stoned” after your treatment, especially if we did extra modalities. Sitting in your car or going for a quick stroll around the block will help you reground before you get behind the wheel or your car or bike. Please remember to drink plenty of water after treatment, too.
Wear loose-fitting clothing.
It’s ok if you don’t remember, but I may ask you to remove certain garments if certain body parts aren’t easily accessible.
Be prepared to answer a lot of questions.
Sitting down and talking with you about your chief complaints is the best way we can get a clear picture of what is going on with your pattern. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions about sleep, digestion, energy, bowel movements, urinary function, pain, hormonal health, and more!
During a treatment at Firewood Acupuncture, you can expect that we will build trust and a solid treatment plan that will be well thought-out and explained, so you’re not left wondering what’s next or confused about what it is we’re attempting to accomplish.
We’ll start with an in-depth intake covering each organ system.
This can take up to 60 minutes. Afterwards, you will lay comfortably on a treatment table and we will look at your tongue and take your pulses on both wrists.
Tongue and pulse readings are the most effective diagnostic tools we have at our disposal, outside of asking you direct questions.
Once we’ve made a diagnosis, we will begin to administer needles.
The sensations of the needles vary depending on the location on the body, however, at worst, what you will feel is a slight sting or a dull ache. Most likely, you won’t feel the needles go in at all.
Once all the needles have been inserted and you tell us you are comfortable, we’ll will leave the room and let the needles do their magic for about 30 minutes.
Don’t worry, we’ll be nearby so you’ll be able to call us or buzz us (with a doorbell we’ll place in your hand) if you’re feeling uncomfortable.
When time is up, we’ll re-enter the room and remove the needles.
If an adjunct therapy is warranted, we will perform it before or after acupuncture, being sure to explain everything we’re doing.
Directly following the treatment, you’ll likely feel a little “acu-stoned” as we like to call it.
It will feel like extreme relaxation with a touch of wooziness. This will pass in a brief amount of time and then you can go on about your day. But, take the time to notice any changes in your body.
What do you feel? How do you feel? Do you notice any differences regarding the issue you came in for? We can discuss anything you notice at your next appointment.
Rest-assured, building your health and wellness is paramount to us. We are always available to answer your questions and want you to feel comfortable sharing with us.
After your sessions with us, hydrate, rest, and start to notice the little changes in your body. If you want to exercise, make sure you do that before your appointment.
You may feel…..
Acu-stoned: This is a term us acupuncturists lovingly tell our patients after treatments. When you get off the table, you may feel a little woozy and this is completely normal. You may want to sit in your car or slowly stroll around the block before you operate a vehicle for about 5-10 minutes if you feel a little spacey or overly-relaxed.
Sore: Especially if we did an extra modality like cupping, gua sha, or electroacupuncture.
These adjunct therapies are more intense forms of body work and may leave you with sore muscles, tingling sensations, redness around the area of treatment, “hickey” marks or scrapes, or just general soreness at the location of needle insertion. These sensations are completely normal and will subside within 24 hours.
***If we did trigger release or more intense body-work, pour 2 cups of good epsom salt in a bath a soak for 30-45 minutes so the salts can deeply penetrate sore muscles.
Energized: Enjoy the stimulation, clear-headedness and bursts of energy you feel after sessions. Needles stimulate the flow of Qi and energy in our bodies.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are like learning to ride a bike, in that it’s a retraining of the body to do something it previously had no clue how to do.
Whether you are using acupuncture, herbs, or both, some people and conditions will respond to acupuncture very quickly, some take time.
In rare instances, you may feel worse for the first 24-36 hours after treatment, before you begin to feel better. We are moving and accessing disharmonies in your body that may have been there for a long time - your body might not be happy, at first, about receiving needles and changing habits. This is not ideal, but it is normal in the beginning.
I expect….
Most patients to feel some sort of relief or improvement within 3 sessions
Most patients to feel marked improvement after 6-8 sessions
Recent, acute symptoms will clear up more quickly, whereas chronic conditions will take longer to respond.
As treatments progress, look for signs of improvement, like better sleep, a calmer mind, less pain, or better digestion, and enjoy them!
Lastly, your mind has an incredibly strong influence on your body and is a key factor in propelling your healing forward.
Contact me!
The fastest way to reach me is by email: and I will respond within 24 hours.
You can also text or call my office at 720-588-0104.
Lastly, thank you for allowing us to be on your healing path with you.