Chinese herbal medicine is one of the oldest herbal systems in the world dating back thousands of years. Most classic formulas have been modified over the centuries to accommodate the change in climate, geographic location, environmental and emotional stressors, diet, and lifestyle.
Herbal therapy is the most important part of Chinese Medicine and should be used in tandem with acupuncture and accompanying modalities to bring you back into balance. Doing acupuncture without herbs is like trying to run before you can walk.
Taking herbs is also a great way to stretch the time between acupuncture appointments so that your health goals can be reached in a shorter amount of time.

Herbal formulas will be given in 1 of 2 ways:
Custom-blend of granulated herbs:
—> These herbs are granulated or powdered and will be incorporated into warm water to drink two times a day. You will be given instructions on how to take your herbs.
Patent Herbs that are in pill form:
—> These herbs are also taken two times a day but are in pill form. Those who have a hard time with custom, granulated blends may find this form more palatable.
Traditionally, a patient was sent home with a basket of roots, leaves, flowers, barks, and berries to boil together and then drink throughout the day. Our modern times have called for modern herbal administering, so taking herbs in the two forms listed above yields the best compliance and the best health outcomes.
Granulated herbs are fresh herbs that have been decocted, dried, and powdered to mix together and then added to hot water to sip like a tea.
Please note that some formulas contain minerals, shells, fungi, insects, and occasionally animal parts. At Firewood Acupuncture, we do NOT use any animals or animal parts that are on the endangered species or poached species list.