Preservative-Free, Pure Methylcobalamin, B-12 Injections
B-12 Injections are recommended if you’re having trouble absorbing the vitamin through your digestive tract. The body absorbs vitamin B12 from food in a two-step process.
—> First, hydrochloric acid in the stomach separates vitamin B12 from the protein that it's attached to.
—> Second, the freed vitamin B12 then combines with a protein made by the stomach, called intrinsic factor, and the body absorbs them together.
The health benefits from injections can assist with mental clarity, energy, immune function, endurance, and more.
Symptoms of B-12 Deficiency often include:
anxiety and depression
poor memory, confusion, brain fog
numbness or tingling in the extremities
zinging or zapping feelings in the extremities
shortness of breath
muscle weakness (especially calf tenderness)
restless legs
nerve pain
-Vegetarians and Vegans are often B-12 deficient because the vitamin’s largest bio-availability is found in meat and other animal products.
-If you take antacids or PPIs, you’ll likely need supplementation because these drugs reduce stomach acid in the digestive tract.
-Individuals over 50 years old. B-12 protects the brain and as we age, we produce less and less stomach acid, which helps B-12 release from its carrier protein in foods.
-If you experience GI inflammation or have a compromised digestive system, your microbiome is not supporting healthy amounts of stomach acid to absorb and utilize B-12.
-If you lead a high-stress lifestyle alongside larger amounts of caffeine and alcohol, you’ll likely need B-12 injections as these habits decrease our Qi and our immunity.
-If you have a compromised Thyroid or other auto-immune conditions, you could benefit from supplementation.
-Those with the MTHFR gene mutation should seek out B-12 injections. Those with this specific mutation (which is up to 60% of us!) often have trouble with detoxification which leads to an inability to absorb the vitamin. You can test for this mutation through a functional medicine practitioner, a naturopath, or through your PCP.
For most, it is recommended that you receive one shot per week for 4 weeks, then extend to monthly or bimonthly as needed. For those with complicated autoimmune conditions or pernicious anemia, 2 shots per week for 6-10 weeks is recommended. If you’re looking for an immune boost, are a frequent traveler, or are preparing for a big athletic event, you may receive a shot on a circumstantial basis.
We inject the B-12 directly into a lower leg acupuncture point on your Spleen Channel (which is responsible for transforming and transporting fluids in the body). We do this subcutaneously, which means just under the skin and not directly into a muscle, like a vaccine. Most people don’t feel anything! Others feel a very slight poke, similar to an acupuncture needle. There is no lasting ache and there is no down time.
If you are incredibly deficient in the vitamin, you will notice a boost in energy within 24 hours. Usually any zinging and zapping sensations relieve and any numbness and tingling reduces significantly. If you aren’t too deficient, you may not notice too much, but you may notice improvements after a few shots. Notice that your energy stabilizes with no crashing, you’re sleeping better, and your digestive function increases.
B-12 shots are minimally invasive and incredibly safe. If you aren’t too deficient, your body will naturally expel what it doesn’t need. (Ever notice your urine is bright yellow when you take a multivitamin? Your body is expelling the excess.)
After an injection, there may be some very slight swelling or itchiness at the site of puncture and some slight redness may pop up. The vitamin is red in liquid form, so this is a normal response. Allergic reactions are incredibly rare but symptoms may include all-over itchiness, rash, or swelling in the face or mouth. Seek medical attention if this happens.
The best source of B-12 is from beef liver. I highly recommend purchasing a high-quality beef liver pill that can be used as a replacement for store-bought multivitamins. I really love the Perfect Supplements Desiccated Beef Liver pill and take it daily. If you’re adventurous, you could also purchase and prepare beef liver for yourself! It’s an acquired taste but has the most bioavailability of B-12.
Other foods to consider:
Eggs, fish, poultry, dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), and clams
—> Methylcobalamin – supports methylation in the body and is commonly used for patients with gastrointestinal issues (GI) and/or autoimmune B12 absorption issues. It is great for patients looking to improve brain functionality, memory, mood, sleep, neuropathy, fatigue, and more.
(At the most basic level, methylation refers to the transfer of methyl groups—simple structures of one carbon and three hydrogen molecules (CH3)—to and from various bioactive compounds in the body. These compounds (e.g., proteins, enzymes, hormones, and more) must be methylated in order to function optimally or to create other substances required by the body.)
—> Adenosylcobalamin – It is a mitochondrial (energy) form of B12 that is usually great for people who have general tiredness/fatigue or they are easily fatigued with small amounts of exercise. This is like fuel for your body’s engine.
—> Hydroxocobalamin – very useful to lower high levels of nitric oxide (common with auto-immune disorders, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue). Nitric oxide is a compound in the body that causes blood vessels to widen and stimulates the release of certain hormones, such as insulin.
—> Cyanocobalamin – a synthetic form of B12 that requires other nutrients from the body to make it bioavailable. It is the form most often found in most store-bought supplements, and is commonly considered the least effective. This is why it’s so important to purchase your supplements from your provider or a trusted and regulated source. Buying on Amazon or from a local pharmacy is not recommended, even if it does save you a few bucks. Oftentimes, those supplements are expired or are ineffective.
Preservative-free Methyl B12 is stored in a refrigerator, which allows us to provide you with the safest and most pure form of the vitamin.
Common side effects from taking other forms of B12 are typically attributed to the added preservative – these include hot flashes, dizziness, and nausea.