When Allergies Blow…

Boy, does this Spring Wind have us all in a tizzy!

If you’re anything like my patients this Spring, then you’ve experienced itchy eyes, runny nose, sinus congestion, tension headaches, skin rashes, post nasal drip, and fatigue.

Colorado weather has not been kind to us this year. Luckily, acupuncture and herbs can help…along with a few other tips to keep your allergies from taking over your life.

ACUPUNCTURE regulates our histamine response and helps to decrease inflammation in the body. Placing foreign objects into the body signals white and red blood cell production. Cells bring fresh blood to the site of insertion and with increased blood flow, channels in the body remain open and active against foreign invaders. Additionally, when we needle points on your Lung, Liver, and Spleen channels, we are calming the nervous system’s intense response to allergens. It’s important to get ahead of your allergies, so getting regular acupuncture is advised and this practice is especially effective December through March, which will really prepare your body to combat allergies.

HERBAL THERAPY aims to boost our immunity and our “Wei Qi,” (way-chee), which is our first line of defense against foreign invaders. Think of it like your suit of armor. Herbs can also keep your Blood flowing to prevent blockages and drain out excess fluid. They fortify your Qi and increase digestive function. And since all immunity begins in the gut, this is incredibly important.



  • Take a shower at night to rinse off allergens that may have clung to your hair and skin.

  • Change your clothes when you get home so you’re not transferring allergens onto furniture.


  • Increase your intake of fermented foods, like kimchi, kraut, and pickles to increase gut health. As mentioned above, all immunity begins in the gut, so keeping a healthy and active microbiome will combat pathogens and allergens. Adding a good probiotic to your supplement regimen is also a great idea, too.

  • Seek out local, raw, unfiltered honey and eat a teaspoon a day. Getting local honey from local pollinators fortifies our immune system against allergens in our environment.


  • Consider adding Propolis to your supplement regimen. I absolutely LOVE Beekeepers Naturals B. Immune Throat Spray. Four sprays a day keeps your immune system strong utilizing antioxidants and antimicrobials found in nature.

  • Consider taking Ortho Molecular’s D-Hist supplement over other over-the-counter antihistamines. D-Hist supports immune balance in individuals who are hypersensitive to allergens, clears the nasal passages, supports respiratory health, and promotes normal viscosity of mucus (so your nose doesn’t become clogged…or a faucet either!).


  • Increase your electrolyte intake to keep yourself hydrated on a cellular level. Make sure you’re not buying electrolytes with a ton of added sugar, as this will cause phlegm to congeal in your body and create blockages and places for allergens to hide.

  • Use Neti Pot everyday and make sure you’re using filtered or distilled water. Clearing out your nasal passages also clears out stuck allergens in your sinus cavity.

  • Develop a good nasal oleation practice. This is an ancient Ayurvedic technique used to keep mucus membranes hydrated and to promote deeper, more restful sleep. Rubbing the inside of your nose with Nasya (noz-e-yah) Oil before bedtime is a habit that will keep your sinuses happy. My favorite oil is from the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico called Super Nasya Oil, which you can purchase online.


  • If you are desperate and need to buy over-the-counter antihistamines, start with Claritin, which is the best tolerated and the lowest dose of antihistamines. If you’re dealing with skin rash, itchiness, or other skin reactions to allergens, try Allegra. And lastly, Zyrtec is the most intense and most powerful antihistamine, but has the fewest side effects. It’s important to not rely on these, as habitual OTC antihistamine use will eventually lower your overall immunity. Try natural remedies alongside your OTC meds and then slowly remove them entirely as you begin to feel better.


  • Lastly, check your local weather on the daily and try not to spend too much time outside on high pollen days or days with poor air quality to protect your respiratory system.

No matter where you live or what allergens you are dealing with, natural remedies are in abundance. You don’t have to suffer every Spring or Fall. Get ahead of your allergies by investing in yourself. You don’t have to be a snotty, headachy, tired mess while Spring is bursting with color and life. As my acu-friend likes to say, “The Wind doesn’t have to blow.”


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