Ghosts, Parasites & The Path to Ascension: A Chinese Medicine Perspective

By Natalie Ponce, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M, Acutonics Sound Practitioner and Spiritual Healer

Incarnation through our mortal experience is not for

the faint of heart. The teachings of this planet are

chaotic, paradoxical, sometimes violent

and filled with darkness…all movements of

pure creation.

She is a water planet, offering

a path to Source, or god, through the conduit of fear,

the lead that can be chiseled and alchemized

into golden wisdom. This process brings to

light the divinity in our humanity, the dream of

life, the suffering of the mind, and not only the

illusion of control, but the deepest need we

have to relinquish it entirely.

Our “water” bodies act as conductors, allowing us to receive highly refined levels of information through the bridge of our emotions, which materialize these truths within the womb. Within the Chinese medicine tradition, which has its roots in shamanism, many disharmonies of the body can be attributed to parasites, gui (ghosts) or phlegm.

You can see the “waters” of our body reflected in

  • the blood

  • the cerebrospinal fluid

  • or the lymphatic system

When toxins build up in the body, whether it comes from the physical or emotional environment, the foods we eat, or ruminating thoughts, these waters become murky. The process of separating pure from impure becomes distorted, and so does our way of seeing, perceiving and receiving information. The root of healthy fluid metabolism in the body comes from the digestive system, which processes our experiences, creates new blood and eliminates decay.

This is the energy of the solar plexus chakra, as seen in yogic traditions, which on the surface is related to personal will, a healthy ego and strong sense of self; but, at a much deeper level is connected to forgiveness and the act of atonement. In Chinese Medicine, these types of emotions can be associated with the Water Element, or the energetics of our Kidneys. This level of compassion is the hidden door out of the psychological circles we spin trying to understand the whys and hows of unintegrated experiences. This rumination is a form of phlegm, a kind of possession by memory, emotion and the thoughts that perpetuate them in their denser form.

When we forgive, purify the soul and see beyond the smaller, fragmented self, a portal opens to

our highest truth. This frees us of all judgement and points of view inherently based in polarity.

Often these are views are wrapped up in our sense of self and there is resistance in the face of this

release and the alchemizing of parasitic energies, even as it is all the heart truly wants.

It requires blood, jing and qi, our most precious resources, to feed any toxicity in the body, and an enormous amount of energy to wrap it up in the numbing phlegm that puts that part of our story on hold until the desire to see the truth becomes greater than the fear of succumbing to invading thoughts.


Within the tradition of Chinese medicine, any toxicity held within the solar plexus, which resides at the base of our sternum near our diaphragm, will push up into the heart and cloud the mind, disconnect us from our lived-experiences and simultaneously from ourselves. The solar plexus is not about simply understanding the smaller parts of ourselves, but being able to create space for our totality, suspending all views which limit that expression.

This atonement is what releases our highest vision, our highest dream, and anchors the spirit in that deeper understanding of who we are and what we are capable of and to be able to fulfill it. The ego, seated in the solar plexus, needs to be momentarily surrendered in order to forgive, and in that surrender, our true nature is more completely revealed.

Pushing away emotions or hindering the unfolding of their teachings stagnates the process of fear birthing into wisdom - you must feel it all.

The immune system, or our defensive/wei (“way”) qi in Chinese medicine, moves this energy away from the organ system to protect it from becoming a disease for as long as possible.

Where does it go?

  • into the joints

  • the eye sockets

  • the sacrum

  • it can show up as varicose veins

  • or benign nodules along different channels of the body

    This stuck energy, combined with the warm nature of defensive qi, creates inflammation, resourcing water and dampness, phlegm, to cool it off and slow things down. This buildup of pressure in the body is a calling from the subconscious to return, to give this moment our undivided attention and welcome the soul back into the heart.

These imbalances, stripped down, always reflect the fear of life, the fear of

death and the fear of love – all one in the same.

We use phlegm as a way of protecting

ourselves from reality when we do not yet remember who we are, and do not feell

ready to fall, to trust, or to lose everything we’ve been holding onto.

This is a sacred and

non-linear process. In the realm of spiritual healing, emphasis is placed on bringing our

awareness here, on observing, watching, and moving with the flow of the heart, towards what

lights you up inside…and the rest follows.

There are no wrongs, even in the realm of ghosts and

parasites, only possibilities for an understanding that goes beyond beliefs or perspectives,,

beyond high or low, dense or refined. This is about aligning to our divinity through the

transparent, innocent and infinitely compassionate acceptance of WHO we are, how and why the

soul is expressing itself through this life, this time period, this family dynamic and these


We get out of our own way by getting to know our true nature, and trusting in this

individuation process, even when we do not understand the unfolding of our divine destiny

through the workings of the mind.


Our magnetic field, and the earth’s magnetic field are intertwined, and our inner coherence creates a coherent earth. I’ve specialized for years in the use of sound to activate and cleanse the DNA meridians of the body called the extraordinary vessel system. It is these energetic pathways that work with that field. They are the deepest and most refined channels of the body, storing our greatest traumas and pain as well as the blueprint of our soul’s purpose for being here.

Different frequencies are used depending on your story, your myths, the vehicles your soul is using to have an experience of revelation. This is how I interpret the energetic pattern diagnosis within the field of Chinese medicine. The parasites and ghosts, whether from this life, past or future lives, or one’s ancestral lineage, are asking us to see with new eyes. They ask us to become more intimate with Life, with the Earth, and come face to face with the fear of the unknown, the fear of losing it all and becoming what we are.

In the trance of sound, the mind is

bypassed, the subconscious bridge is accessed, and space is created for the soul to return, for

spirit to be once again housed in the beauty of the physical form. All things of this world, at their

core, want to spiral back into source or god, no matter how far one has gone, no matter how long it has


The medicine is here for you if you wish to step through, if it is your time, your moment, to come back home.


Poetry of the Body: Depression through the lens of Chinese Medical Psychology