Welcome to Fall! The season of our Lungs and Large Intestines associated with the Metal Element in TCM.

According to Chinese theory, the Metal Element is as follows:

  • Yin Organ: Lungs

  • Yang Organ: Large Intestine

  • Season: Fall

  • Emotion: Grief/Sadness

  • Climate: Dryness

  • Sense Organ: Nose

  • Tissues: Skin

  • Color: White

  • Active Time of Day: 3am-5am

  • Virtue: Self-worth, inspiration, ability to let go

My teachers often said to me, “If you’re ever noticing patterns in your clinic, just look outside.” As we enter Fall, you may notice symptoms of Dryness - your skin, your mucous membranes, your eyes, your hair, etc. Our Lungs and Large Intestines are susceptible to dryness because of the shifting climate. Imbalances like dry cough, constipation, eczema and dry skin, bloody noses, and dry, flaky scalp are common this time of year as the Heat of Summer burns off.

This time is known as Yin with Yang. We’re leaving the abundance of Yang behind as we prepare for the most Yin time of year. All of nature is telling us to start down-shifting and making way for restoration.

If we let go of one leaf, then another can grow in its place.

Even without leaves, the tree bravely survives the winter.

We can do that, too. We can just let it all go.


Located on the back of your neck, your Wind Gate is the place where all pathogens can enter your body. If you’ve ever gotten a cold, you’ll notice that you shrug your shoulders and want to curl up to protect your Wind Gate. The climate is getting windier and we’re starting to experience larger temperature swings this time of year. We become more susceptible to getting a cold or flu. You should be wearing a scarf every time you’re outside and especially on windy days. If it’s still too warm for a scarf, consider a summer scarf!


Our respiration is connected to our Lungs. Breathing techniques enhance the flow of our Lung Qi, helping it to descend down to nourish and moisten its neighboring organs. (Remember the teapot?) Deep breathing allows for more mental clarity, Lungs that are moistened and staving off dryness, and calming your Vagus Nerve (the main component of your rest and digest functions). *TIP - diffusing essential oils can help improve your Lung Qi and keep Dryness form forming. Try Eucalyptus or Frankincense.


Take a look outside. Just as the trees are shedding their leaves, it’s time to examine what no longer serves you. From cleaning out that one utility closet, to ending a relationship that is causing you more resentment and worry than it is supportive, it’s time to determine what can be swept away, giving you a clean slate to transition to Fall.


It is very common to feel sad this time of year. I know a lot of you have already started lamenting to me the changing temps and not wanting to have to dig out your hoodies and hats yet. Grieving is the emotion associated with this time of year and as all of nature is decaying, it’s totally normal to feel this way. Lean into it. Accepting that grieving is the pathway to greater happiness will only help you feel calmer during this tumultuous shift.


The flavor the the Lungs is “pungent.” Spicy flavors help to disperse our Lung Qi and enliven the immune system. Ever wonder why you feel better after eating some spicy ramen or sipping on a ginger and garlic broth? Spices like allspice, cinnamon, garlic, scallions, cardamom, ginger, and anise help to open up the chest. So get that PSL and don’t buy into the “basic bitch” label - you’re just connected with the season!


White is the color of the season! So long summer salads and raw and cold foods. These foods are ok in the Summer as they help to clear Heat from the body. Now, it’s time for warm and spicy foods to prepare us for winter. Focus on pears, apples, onions, garlic, horseradish, and leeks.


I know, that word is triggering for some of you, but moistening your Large Intestines is going to combat that itchy skin and sluggish bowels. Pull out your humidifiers. Add honey to your tea. Incorporate eggs, bone broth, beef gelatin, hemp seeds and chia seeds to your meals. Keep those Lung and Large Intestine membranes moist in order to stave off illness and boost your immunity.


The job of the Lungs is to “inspire!” This virtue is Yin in nature and drives our focus inwards. Find the things you love and truly care about. Take that yoga class. Reach out to that friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Learn something inspiring on a podcast. Read a book about self care. Check out that new exhibit at the art museum. Do things you love and watch your Lung Qi expand and elevate your spirits.


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