Welcome to Central Denver’s Top-Rated Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinic.

You will be heard here, in this peaceful, healing sanctuary. Serving the Denver area for close to five years, this clinic treats everything and anything. We consider ourselves generalists. Whatever it is. Whatever you might be feeling, we can help.

Owner, Acupuncturist, and Herbalist Rachel Muich, L.Ac, M.S.TCM and her associate, Dr. Anh Tran, DTCM, L.Ac treat in-person at the clinic five days a week.

Our approach.

Your wellness requires care, attention, and time. At Firewood Acupuncture, your health is in your hands just as much as it is in ours. Our mission together will be to restore your natural balance so you can find peace in all that you do. Taking control of your health and wellness allows you to feel comfortable in your body, rested in your mind, and resourced in your daily life.

We believe that knowledge truly is power. And feeling empowered about your health is a feeling that we want to cultivate with you during our sessions. For any internal disharmony, Eastern medicine provides a unique, holistic, patient-centered approach to healing. We want to spend time with you. We want to really listen to you and ask questions about your aches & pains, your worries & fears, and your unique intuition when it comes to your body. That is our goal with every patient. The gift of time and the invaluable feeling of being truly heard and understood. After all, you are in your body all day - YOU know it best.

How does it work?

  • Simply put, acupuncture is the administering of hair-thin needles into the body in specific locations meant to mobilize circulation and stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on “Qi,” (chee) or “Chi,” meaning our energy or life-force that flows throughout our body…This Qi, or energy, can be influenced and balanced by stimulating specific points on the body. These points are located along channels, or meridians, that connect all of our major organs. Illness and imbalance arises when the flow of Qi becomes blocked. Acupuncture helps to unblock the flow of Qi. Common examples of “stuck Qi,” are pain, headaches, PMS, GI discomfort, belching and bloating, gas, sleep disturbances, and mood swings.

  • Acupuncture has been PROVEN to regulate the Central Nervous System (CNS), which controls most functions of the body and mind. It consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the conduit for the signals between our body and the brain.

    When needles are administered in the body, sensory input, information processing, and motor output are all effected. By stimulating the CNS, several other systems are activated, like an increase of blood circulation which will release muscle-tension, the release of endorphins (our happy hormones), and the activation of the parasympathetic system, which controls our “rest and digest,” mechanisms.

    In addition, you may see a reduction in systemic inflammation and in stress. By activating the parasympathetic system, cortisol (the stress hormone) drops drastically. While we need cortisol in small doses, most Americans are over-stimulated and over-stressed, which keeps our cortisol levels heightened. Consistently high cortisol levels can lead to inflammation (which can be safely called the root of all disease), weight gain, poor sleep, little to no appetite, and emotional imbalances.

    By receiving regular acupuncture, you are effectively allowing your brain and body to relax, restore a healthy connection, and fight disease. So, it’s no surprise that acupuncture also regulates and boosts immunity, keeping you from getting chronically sick by stimulating both red and white cell production.

    Visit www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org to learn more.

  • We’ll start with an in-depth intake covering each organ system. This can take up to 60 minutes.

    Afterwards, you will lay comfortably on a treatment table and we will look at your tongue and take your pulses on both wrists. Tongue and pulse readings are the most effective diagnostic tools we have at our disposal, outside of asking you direct questions.

    Once we’ve made a diagnosis, we will begin to administer needles. The sensations of the needles vary depending on the location on the body, however, at worst, what you will feel is a slight poke or a dull ache. Most likely, you won’t feel the needles go in at all.

    Once all the needles have been inserted and you tell us you are comfortable, we will leave the room and let you rest for about 30 minutes. Don’t worry, we’ll be nearby so you’ll be able to call us if you’re feeling uncomfortable.

    When time is up, we’ll re-enter the room and remove the needles. If an adjunct therapy is warranted, we will perform it before or after acupuncture, being sure to explain everything we’re doing.

    After the treatment is completely over, you’ll likely feel a little “acu-stoned” as we like to call it. It will feel like extreme relaxation with a touch of wooziness. This will pass in a brief amount of time and then you can go on about your day. But, take the time to notice any changes in your body.

    What do you feel? How do you feel? Do you notice any differences regarding the issue you came in for?

    Rest-assured, building your health and wellness is paramount. We’re always available to answer your questions and want you to feel comfortable sharing anything you’d like without the fear of judgement.

Heartfelt Reviews.

Honoring roots.

I am thrilled and humbled to be an ambassador of this medicine that has been healing the masses for thousands of years. When I first started learning Chinese Medicine, I didn't understand the span of this type of healing and how it really is meant to be a preventative practice. This knowledge fuels me. As a practitioner of Chinese medicine, it is my privilege to not only heal but also to educate. I’d like for you to be as informed about your treatment strategy and progress as possible. I invite you to ask questions and to get clear on the new path we are carving for your continued improvement. This is something I rarely found in the Western medicine scope, and I’d like to change that way of thinking.

It’s so important to recognize where this medicine comes from and to give credit where credit is due. Learning and performing this medicine as a white, American woman comes with great responsibility that I do not take for granted. I understand that I am preserving the wisdom and practices of a culture I was not born into, and I make it a priority to acknowledge the roots of my training and philosophy. I look forward to expanding my knowledge and committing to my development as a practitioner, and I promise to use all that I have learned to make you feel heard and seen. Thank you for your trust - I will take great care to ensure I keep it.

Somethin’ on your mind?

Send me an email using the form on this page. I’d like for you to feel as informed about acupuncture and your future healthcare as possible. There are no silly questions! Please, ask away!