Firewood Acupuncture

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6 Tips To Make Acupuncture Work For You

Whether you’re new to acupuncture, are a seasoned-veteran, or anywhere in between, acupuncture can help rebalance you at any stage of health. You found Eastern healing and booked an appointment for a reason - and we’re so happy you’re here! Now let’s get you feeling your best.

Below are 6 tips to help make acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine work for you.


    You don’t go to the gym once and expect a six-pack do you? (Wouldn’t that be nice?) Acupuncture is no different than any other habit. The more you put into it, the more you’re going to get out of it. Consistency is especially important in the beginning. As you start to build momentum, your body learns to keep itself in a state of repair.

    If you let too much time lapse between appointments, then we’ll likely be starting from square one. We always recommend starting with 6-8 weekly treatments. Once we see improvement and progress is maintained between sessions, then we can start to extend you out - bi-weekly, once a month, etc. But that beginning momentum is where the most healing will take place. Prioritize your treatment schedule. Think of your treatments as an insurance policy for your health. The more you pay into it, the more you’ll reap later on.

    Bank as much as you can! And remember, once you are feeling better, we want to keep you that way. Acupuncture is preventative medicine. It’s always a good idea to bank resources in times of plenty. Monthly, bi-monthly, or seasonal tune-ups is always recommended.


    Remember that we are correcting root imbalances in your body, not just slapping a band-aid on symptoms. Medications like ibuprofen, tylenol, antihistamines, and even birth control are only masking symptoms, and, in some cases, turning off important body processes in order to give you relief.

    Holistic healing does not separate parts from the whole. Why did these symptoms arise in the first place? Instead of trying to take the quickest route to symptom-relief, let’s take the safest route. Notice your body changing with each passing session. Has your sleep improved? Has your digestion not been bugging you as much? Is your pain lessening? All of these are signs that the treatments are working. Patience is a virtue for a reason. It always pays off.


    Advocating for yourself is hard. We are all instilled with a unique intuition and innate intelligence about our bodies. Somewhere along the line, we have forgotten how to tap into that wisdom. Doctors do not always know best. YOU are in your body all day. YOU know it best. That includes holistic healers, too! We don’t know you anymore than you do. If something doesn’t feel right, isn’t resonating, or just isn’t working, we want to know so we can modify your treatments to give you the best benefit.

    As your body repairs, your innate wisdom grows stronger. This allows you to reclaim confidence and regain body literacy. Being a warrior for your health requires a strong will and that can feel really uncomfortable… first. But remember, no one can have power over you unless you give it to them. Break the spell of thinking that someone else, whom you’ve never met, knows more about YOU than you do.


    “Your body’s ability to heal is far greater than anyone has ever lead you to believe.” The lovely Dr. Aviva Romm said that and it couldn’t be more true. Our self-healing capacity is profound. Our bodies have been over-treated, over-caffeinated, under-nourished, over-medicated, and discounted for a very long time (see the above tip).

    Your Qi, your life force, knows exactly what it needs to do. So much of the repair and rebalancing that happens in our bodies takes place while we’re sleeping. Metabolic function turns over, hormones rebalance, our microbiome shifts and prepares for breakfast, the list goes on. Trust that your body is doing everything it can to keep you calm and in homeostasis. Symptoms can be our guides if we listen closely.


    Take your herbs. Move your Qi by going for walks. Prioritize sleep (in bed by 10pm). Turn screens off an hour before sleep. Eat warm, easy-to-digest foods in many combinations: protein, carbs, fat. Eat a little something sweet when you need it. Spend time meditating, praying, or intentionally breathing. Put your feet in the soil - reconnect with the earth. Take a bath a few times a week. Spend time with your friends. Cuddle with your partner, kids, or fur-babies.

    Spend time going over the recommendations we give you after your appointment: treatment frequency, lifestyle habits, herbal formulas, and dietary recommendations are meant to extend your healing outside the clinic. You are only at our office for an hour a week, and really, you are resting with needles for about 30 minutes. Bring that healing to your everyday life.


    We see so many patients who are at their wit’s end. They’ve tried every medication, seen a dozen doctors, participated in fad diets, and relied on quick-fixes for too long. A targeted Instagram ad is not going to fix you. Denying yourself whole food groups is not going to fix you. Suppressing symptoms is not going to fix you. And we can’t fix you either. Only you can do that. And that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

    Deep down, you know that your body can do this. That you can do this. We have many tools in our toolbox to help usher you to the way you need to go. But you’re the one doing the work. You’re showing up, you’re taking your herbs, you’re balancing your life outside the clinic, and now….you can be hopeful. The power of thought is incredibly powerful. Tap into that power and know that this treatment is going to work for you.